Football Season Guide

Vitoria de Guimaraes


Samu (mid) Vizela, Marco Cruz (mid) Sporting, João Mendes (def) FC Porto, Óscar Rivas (mid) Alcorcón, Jesús Ramírez (att) Morelia, José Bica (att) Marítimo; João Oliveira (gk) União de Leiria


André André (sp)(mid) Leixões, Afonso Freitas (sp)(def) Nacional e Adrian Butzke (sp)(att) Nacional - on loan

2023-24 was an encouraging season for Vimaranenses. More than reaching their main goal of finishing 5th, Vitória finished just 5 points away from their arch-rivals Braga, which is something significant and can prove that a shorter budget can be overcome by determination, charisma and good organization. Manager Alvaro Machado was responsible from bringing back Vitória's true mystique to their football. The bad news are that Pacheco left and it isn't sure if Rui Borges will be able to keep the team ignited. Borges made a terrific season in neighbours Moreirense, last season, and is tactically highly capable. Rui Borges likes to employ a back-4 system, which will be a big change in Guimarães, since the back-3 system has been preferred in the last seasons. Vitória didn't chance their squad that much and all the main players were kept. However, there has been strong speculation over the departure of the star winger Jota Silva. On the way in, Samu is a great addition to midfield, not only in techinque, but also his character seems to suit Vitória's philosophy in perfection. Ramirez scored 17 goals in Segunda Liga and may be the ideal replacement for André Silva, who departed in January. Guimarães shortage of options for attack (especially if Jota leaves) might be one of the major issues for the new season. Now that he is settled in and will have pre-season with the club, Nélson Oliveira might be one of the interest points for the new season; there are plenty of talented options for midfield, and Borges' main challenge will be deciding which three will start.


Finishing in top 5 and trying to reduce distances to Braga.